Future Enterprise Series: The Decisive Enterprise – QUT/MIT
For more details, please visit: https://www.qut.edu.au/engage/the-future-enterprise-webinar-series/the-decisive-enterprise
Seminar – Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Australia
I will deliver a seminar at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet next week. The Public Sector in a World of Autonomous Systems Emerging technologies are fundamentally impacting and transforming all aspects of our society. I am particularly concerned with how technological innovations impact 1) the design of our public institutions, 2) […]
Building and Sustaining Agile Information Systems – Henry Stewart Talks
My presentation, Building and Sustaining Agile Information Systems, as part of the Strategic Issues in Information Technology: Challenges and Innovations series, is now available online. In this presentation, I discuss practical design guidelines for building and sustaining agile information systems and agile organizations. I focus on four key levers that need to be managed towards this […]
Writing of a different style, fiction, or at least I hope so…Overcommitted
It is 8 AM and Sam Houston is on his way to his office in downtown Chicago. He drives from his house in Libertyville, a northern suburb of Chicago, then catches a train into the city. During his roughly seventy-five minute train ride, he has learned to balance his laptop, notebook and pencil, his blackberry, […]
On Questioning Questions in Organizations
Reflect on how much of your day is spent asking questions and answering questions. How many questions do you ask a day, what kinds of questions do you ask, and why do you ask the questions you do. Try having a conversation with a colleague, or a friend, without asking questions, how long might you […]
Commencement and Convocation Speeches
My last posting on inspiration generated more interest than expected. By a significant margin that blog post was accessed more times than any other for the last year. In addition, several colleagues shared the link on their Facebook pages, posted public comments and also sent me private notes. Of all the notes received, I was […]