Realising Trustworthy and Inclusive AI for Indonesia
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming societies worldwide, and Indonesia is at a pivotal moment to harness AI’s potential for economic growth, social progress, and improved quality of life. This new IBM report, Realising Trustworthy and Inclusive Artificial Intelligence for Indonesia, captures another step towards ensuring that AI is developed and deployed in a manner […]
Why Digital Platforms by Incumbents Fail
New paper co-authored with Leandro Jesus, Michael Rosemann, and Marek Kowalkiewicz forthcoming in Communications of the AIS. In an economy increasingly dominated by digital platforms, incumbent firms are trying to launch platforms associated with their original products to remain relevant and create additional value propositions. Yet, evidence shows that digital platform design from within a non-digital, […]
Exaptation Potential of Supply Chain Resilience Capabilities during COVID-19
New paper co-authored with David M Herold and Lorenzo B. Prataviera published in Production & Manufacturing Research. Identifying the exaptation potential of supply chain resilience capabilities during COVID-19: Insights from Australia What happens to newly built resilience capabilities when the pandemic is over? Using the concept of exaptation, we investigate how supply chain organizations have […]
Doing strategic information systems research for public value
An editorial co-authored with Greg Dawson published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems. This editorial has two purposes. First, we address why a focus on doing impactful research that creates public value is vital for the present and the future of the information systems (IS) field. Second, we outline practices we have used to build research […]
Quantum Computing for Public Value: Insights from Australia
New report co-authored with Samar Fatima for the IBM Center for the Business of Government. Quantum computing is evolving from the fantastical to the achievable. Accelerated developments show promise for leveraging quantum computing to address previously intractable problems in government. The technology can foster immense potential benefits for the public, alongside far-reaching implications from using […]
Enabling cybersecurity incident response agility through dynamic capabilities
New paper co-authored with Humza Naseer, Sean B Maynard, and Atif Ahmad published in European Journal of Information Systems. We explore how organisations enable agility in their cybersecurity incident response (IR) process by developing dynamic capabilities using real-time analytics (RTA). Drawing on RTA practices in the IR process at three large financial organisations, we develop a framework to explain […]
Digitalization and Sustainability: Advancing Digital Value
Kathryn Brohman (Queen’s University), Gregory S. Dawson (Arizona State University) and I have a new book currently in press. Addressing the key research question of how organizations transform to generate new forms of public and shareholder value by leveraging digital technology, expert contributors provide a deep dive into a diverse variety of business models from around the globe. […]
Is Mandatory Seller Disclosure of Flood Risk Necessary? A Brisbane, Australia, Case Study
New paper co-authored with Catherine Brown, Sharon Christensen, Andrea Blake, Karlina Indraswari, and Clevo Wilson published in Journal of Property, Planning and Environmental Law. Purpose – Information on the impact of flooding is fundamental to mitigating flood risk in residential property. This paper aims to provide insight into the seller disclosure of flood risk and […]
State Competitiveness, Digital Trade and Cybersecurity
Looking forward to this event.
The business model portfolio as a strategic tool for value creation and business performance
New paper co-authored with Peter Westerveld, Erwin Fielt, and Guy Gable published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems. The number of organisations that operate multiple business models continues to increase. However, operating multiple business models can be complex, as they often need to be harmonised within a broader portfolio due to their interdependencies. This complexity […]