Trade Journals
Last Updated: Aug, 2016 – for an updated list, please send me an email
- “Predictive Analytics: Nudging, Shoving, and Smacking Behaviors in Higher Education,” EDUCASE Review, September/October, 2016, 10-20 (w/ Smith, K.L.).
- “Model Citizens,” Planning, 81 (9), 2015, 26-29 (w/ Smith, K.L.).
- “5 Steps to Truly Client-Centric Metrics,” Federal Computer Week, 29 (5), 2015, 25-27 (w/ Sutherland, A).
- “Big Data for Social Innovation,” Stanford Social Innovation Review, 12 (3), 2014, 38-43 (w/ Smith, K.L.) (**Ranked 5th in the 2014 list of Top Most Popular Articles Published**).
- “Citizen Disengagement: The Minority Opinion,” PM Magazine, 97 (2), 2014, 12-16.
- “Citizen Intelligence and Online Civic Platforms,” Planning, December, 2014, 24-27 (w/ Smith, K.L.).
- “The Evolving Landscape of Citizen Engagement,” The Public Sector Digest, Fall 2014, 50-57 (w/ Smith, K.L.).
- “The Perils of Petascale IT Projects,” Federal Computer Week, 28 (14), 2014, 18-21 (w/ Smith, K.L.).
- “Intrapreneurship and the Public Sector: A Missing Capability,” PA Times, May 20, 2013.
- “Local Sustainability Planning: Harnessing the Power of Information Technologies,” PM Magazine, 94 (5), 2012 (w/ Schilling, J.).
- “Designing and Planning for Smart(er) Cities,” Practicing Planner, 10 (4), 2012, 12 pages.
- “Building the Business Case for Knowledge Management,” Business Information Review, 27(3), 2010, 159-174.
- “Customer Managed Knowledge Factories,” Business Information Review, 27 (2), 2010, 94-100 (w/ Moon, J.).
- “On Information Management, Environmental Sustainability, and Cradle to Cradle Mentalities,” Business Information Review, 26 (4), 2009, 257-264 (w/ Ellis, P.C.).
- “Securing Information Assets: The Great Information Game,” Business Information Review, 26 (1), 2009, 35-41.
- “The Neglected Dimension in Strategic Sourcing: Security,” Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, 1 (3), 2008, 288-292.
- “Protect Your Assets- Or Pay the Price,” Better Business, 153, 2008, 17-19.
- “Overcoming Technology Resistance,” Business Strategy Review, 18(4), 2007, 25-28 (w/ Smart, B.A.).
- “Engaging Knowledge Management in Strategic Alliances – Part 4 (Conclusion),” Malaysian Management Magazine, 42 (3), 2007, 64-67 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- “Engaging Knowledge Management in Strategic Alliances – Part 3,” Malaysian Management Magazine, 42 (2), 2007, 58-62 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- “Engaging Knowledge Management in Strategic Alliances – Part 2,” Malaysian Management Magazine, 42 (1), 2007, 64-69 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- “Managing Knowledge in Spin-Offs,” IET Engineering Management, October/November, 2006, 16-18 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- “Contingent Knowledge Workers,” IET Engineering Management, August/September, 2006, 18-19 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- “Choosing Between Technology Solutions: Rational or Irrational Decision Making?” IET Engineering Management, February/March, 2006, 42-45 (w/ Jha, S., Papagari, S., and Ye, C.)..
- “Power-Shifting,” Business Strategy Review, 17 (1), 2006, 26-31 (w/ Seo, D.)..
- “Engaging Knowledge Management in Strategic Alliances – Part 1,” Malaysian Management Magazine, 41 (4), 2006, 54-59 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- “Integrating Local Knowledge Strategies,” KM Review, 9 (4), 2006, 20-23 (w/ Awazu, Y.).
- Desouza, K.C., and Geraghty, K. “A Prescription for Healthy Learning Supply Networks,” KNOWledge: A Supply Chain Briefing from eKNOWtion, July, 2006.
- Baloh, P. and Desouza, K.C. “Vedo Ve?, Kot Podjetje,” Manager, February, 2006, 26-28.
- “Mind Your Language,” IET Engineering Management, October/November, 2005, 47.
- “Scenario Management: From Reactivity to Proactivity,” IT Professional, 7 (5), 2005, 42-48.
- Power, M.J., Desouza, K.C., and Bonifazi, C. “Developing Superior Outsourcing Programs,” IT Professional, 7 (4), 2005, 32-38.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “What Do They Know?” Business Strategy Review, 16 (1), 2005, 41-45.
- Geraghty, K., and Desouza, K.C. “Optimizing Knowledge Networks,” Industrial Management, 47(6), 2005, 25-30.
- “Vital Dimensions of Mission Critical Organizations: How MCOs use KM to Survive a Crises,” KM Review, 8 (3), 2005, 28-31.
- Desouza, K.C., and Hensgen, T. “An Open Door of Communication,” Law Enforcement Technology, March, 2005, 110-115.
- Desouza, K.C., Awazu, Y., and Jasimuddin, S. “Utilizing External Sources of Knowledge,” KM Review, 8 (1), 2005, 16-19.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “Harp on Your Organizational Mission,” Today’s Manager, April-May, 2005, 10-12.
- “Simulating Disaster Scenarios: A Missing Link in Crisis Management,” Disaster Recovery Journal, 17 (3), 2004, 56-59.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “Markets in Know-How,” Business Strategy Review, 15 (3), 2004, 59-65.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “Don’t Get Caught Sleeping: Why Physical Security Still Matters,” [email protected], 61, November, 2004, 20-23.
- Desouza, K.C. “Knowledge Management: A New Commission for Industrial Engineers?” Industrial Management, 46 (1), 2004, 26-30.
- Desouza, K.C., Awazu, Y., and Mehling, J. “The Risk of Outsourcing: How to Secure the Outsourcing Beast,” [email protected], 60, October, 2004, 32-37.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “Securing Knowledge Assets: How Safe is Your Knowledge?” [email protected], 58, August, 2004, 22-25.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “How to Put Context in the Knowledge Base,” KM Review, 7 (2), 2004, 8-9.
- Desouza, K.C., Evaristo, J.R., and Hensgen, T. “Ad Hoc Crisis Management,” Global Assurance – Contingency Planning & Management, 1 (1), 2004, 8.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “Gaining a Competitive Edge from Your Customers: Exploring the Three Dimensions of Customer Knowledge,” KM Review, 7 (3), 2004, 12-15.
- Awazu, Y., and Desouza, K.C. “Chief Privacy Officers,” EDP Audit, Control and Security, 31 (9), 2004, 23-24.
- Desouza, K.C., Hensgen, T., and Awazu, Y. “Lost in the Big Picture” Across the Board, 41 (1), 2004, 9-10.
- Desouza, K.C., and Awazu, Y. “Knowledge Management: HR Management Systems Can Help Track Distributed Information throughout the Organization,” HR Magazine, 48 (11), 2003, 107-112.
- Desouza, K.C., and Hensgen, T. “Semiotics of 9/11,” IT Professional, 5 (2), 2003, 61-64.
- Davenport, T.H., Thomas, R.J., and Desouza, K.C. “Reusing Intellectual Assets,” Industrial Management, 45 (3), 2003, 12-17.
- Desouza, K.C. “Don’t Just Manage Crises: Avoid Them,” New Zealand Management: The Leaders’ Magazine, 50 (8), 2003, 51-52.
- Desouza, K.C., Yamakawa, S., and Awazu, Y. “Pricing Organizational Knowledge: An Imperative,” Ivey Business Journal, 67 (7), Sept/Oct, 2003, 1-5.
- Desouza, K.C. “Dissipation of Intelligence,” Competitive Intelligence Magazine, 6 (5), 2003, 42-44.
- Luthra, A., and Desouza, K.C. “Intelligence Sharing in Virtual Teams: Managing the Organizational Effects of Technology,” Journal of Competitive Intelligence and Management, 1 (3), 2003, 1-9.