Community Intelligence Platforms: The Case of Open Government
Akshay Bhagwatwar (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University) and I have a paper accepted at the Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), to be held in Seattle, Washington, August 9-12, 2012. This paper builds on our ongoing work in policy informatics, citizen apps, and design of participatory platforms. Community Intelligence Platforms: The Case of Open Government The […]
Resiliency and Community Resiliency: An Interview
Since I was busy in Lisbon and Guimarães, I could not attend the 2012 Ridenour Faculty Fellowship Conference. Given that I was supposed to be on a panel discussing forms of resilience, I was interviewed before I left for Portugal. The interview was conducted by Maggie Cowell, an assistant professor of Urban Affairs and Planning in the School of […]
Visit to the Rotman School of Management – April 3, 2012
I enjoyed my recent visit to Toronto. I had the privilege of addressing a sold-out crowd at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. If your organization is interested in having me come by and talk about my recent book, Intrapreneurship: Managing Ideas Within Your Organization (University of Toronto Press, 2011) please send me an email. See below for a […]
John Schimmel, Creator of Access Together App, Runner Up and Most Replicable @ FCC and Knight Foundation Apps for Communities Challenge
Third profile of developers who have contributed apps to federal challenges. Click to see Brad Larson and Curtis Chang profiles. Developer: John Schimmel Bio: John is currently an adjunct faculty member at the NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program. He focuses on teaching courses on assistive technology design for the disabled and web programming. His background is in tech hacking, […]
Curtis Chang, Creator of Homeless SCC App, Second Prize @ FCC and Knight Foundation Apps for Communities Challenge
Our second profile of developers who have contributed apps to federal challenges. The first profile was on Brad Larson. Developer: Curtis Chang Bio: Curtis Chang is the CEO and founder of Consulting Within Reach (CWR), a firm that works predominately with nonprofits and government agencies. He maintains expertise in the realm of social entrepreneurship and […]
Policy Informatics Talk at Universidade do Minho – April 2012
On, April 13, I will deliver a research talk at the Department of Information Systems, University of Minho (in Guimarães). The title of my talk is Policy Informatics: Embracing Complexity, Information, and Systems. The talk will feature my recent work on policy informatics and the policy informatics book project. I will also briefly highlight work featured in my recent book, […]
Brad Larson, Creator of Molecules App, Honorable Mention @ NIH/NLM “Show off your Apps” Competition
As promised, in my previous post, my research team and I will be featuring various app developers who have contributed to challenges run by federal agencies on Developer: Brad Larson Bio: Brad Larson is technically gifted with a track-record of programming. He has been working in the mobile app realm since the days of Palm. He […]
Developing Innovative Apps for Challenges: A Series of Interviews with App Developers
Over the next few weeks, my research team and I will be interviewing prominent App Developers. All interviewees contributed apps for various challenges run by Federal agencies (e.g. the FCC/Knight Foundation Apps for Communities Challenge, NLM Show Off Your Apps Challenge, etc), and, in most cases, even received prizes and recognition for their apps. These […]
National Capital Region, Virginia Tech – International Geography of Governance Conference
A nice news article on my upcoming travel to Lisbon, Portugal to present at the International Geographic Union (IGU) Commission on Geography of Governance Annual Conference 2012. Lauren Bulka, a graduate student at the Metropolitan Institute, will also be presenting at the conference. See here for the press release – LINK.
Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds through Participatory Platforms – Planetizen
My article on Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds through Participatory Platforms was published on Planetizen. The future of design and planning is certain to be around participatory platforms, designers and planners should embrace these platforms and leverage their potential towards designing smart(er) cities through open, inclusive, and collaborative approaches.Planners need to learn how to orchestrate participation […]