Smart City Report – Australia
We published our report on smart cities in Australia. To download the report, please click [here]. The findings were feature in Brisbane Times. We published an article on the report for The Conversation.
PhD Public Defence – Tim Huygh
Looking forward to visiting Antwerp, Belgium for Tim Huygh’s PhD Defence.
Knowledge Cities World Summit 2019, Florianópolis, Brazil
Looking forward to my visit to Florianópolis, Brazil. I will deliver a masterclass on governance and innovation in smart cities as part of a Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) grant funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia at the KCWS2019: SUSTENTABILIDADE E INOVAÇÃO NA ERA DO CONHECIMENTO.
The Growing Fragility of Cities – 2019 ICMA Annual Conference
I will present findings from my research on fragile cities at the 2019 Annual ICMA Conference. This research was funded by ICMA as part of my research fellowship. Michael Hunter collaborated with me on this research project. Resiliency, cybersecurity, and creating more sustainable places are all topics being discussed by local government practitioners and scholars. […]
UN Women Australia – Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
For more information, visit [LINK]
Beijing and Xi’an: China Development Research Foundation and University Visits
I am heading to Beijing today to attend 2019 International Symposium on Budget Performance Management: National Governance and Comprehensive Budget Performance Management in the New Era hosted by the China Development Research Foundation. I will present a paper co-authored with M. Zhang, Evolving from Performance Management to Proactive Governance: The Opportunity and Gaps. I will […]
AuSIMM – North West Queensland – Regional Mining Conference
Research Partnerships – Brazil – August
I am spending the next two weeks in Brazil visiting colleagues and developing research partnerships. I will deliver two research seminars: Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (Aug 12) Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Aug 15) Shaping the Future of Autonomous Systems in Society: Research with Impact Emerging technologies are fundamentally impacting and transforming all […]
Università Bocconi – Another Wonderful Visit to Milano
I wrapped up another wonderful week at Università Bocconi co-teaching a class on Innovation and Big Data for the Public Sector with my colleague, Maria Cucineello.