Situation Awareness for Incident Response – Computers & Security
New article in Computers and Security. How can organizations develop situation awareness for incident response: A case study of management practice Organized, sophisticated and persistent cyber-threat-actors pose a significant challenge to large, high-value organizations. They are capable of disrupting and destroying cyber infrastructures, denying organizations access to IT services, and stealing sensitive information including intellectual […]
Communicating the Business Value of Innovation
Innovation depends upon consistent communication. Yet different stages of the innovation process require different kinds of communication. Companies who have recognized the different elements of the innovation process are able to target their communication mechanisms to encourage the strongest possible results from organizational innovation. Ideas can be brand new and relatively unconsidered or rather mature […]
Cyberprotest in Contemporary Russia forthcoming in Technology Forecasting and Social Change
Volodymyr V. Lysenko and I have authored paper that explores the possibilities of the Internet as a tool for supplying information necessary for the organization and mobilization of successful opposition movements, especially under non-democratic regimes. Examples of the roles the Internet plays in the political processes in Russia are discussed in detail. In particular, the […]
Speaking at the Washington Technology Industry Association: Securing Organizational Knowledge – Human Intelligence Operations
I will be giving a talk for the Washington Technology Industry Association based on my recent book, Managing Knowledge Security (Kogan Page, 2007). The talk will take place on December 7, 2009 at Seattle University. For details, please click here [Link] Based on his recent book, Managing Knowledge Security: Strategies for Protecting Your Company’s Intellectual Assets […]