Belarus Authorities’ Counter-Revolutionary ICTs Tactics: 2001-2010
Volodymyr Lysenko (University of Washington) and I have a paper accepted in Europe-Asia Studies. Belarus authorities’ counter-revolutionary tactics related to information and communication technologies in 2001-2010: lessons learned Information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled revolutionary tactics play an important role in uprisings against non-democratic regimes worldwide. Up to now, a critical understanding of how authorities in those […]
Moldova’s Internet Revolution accepted for Technology Forecasting and Social Change
Volodymyr V. Lysenko, my doctoral student, and I have a paper accepted for publication at Technology Forecasting and Social Change. This paper examines the role that information and communication technologies played in Moldova’s Revolution. Moldova’s Internet Revolution: Analyzing the Role of Technologies in Various Phases of the Confrontation Abstract: In recent times we have witnessed […]