Enabling cybersecurity incident response agility through dynamic capabilities
New paper co-authored with Humza Naseer, Sean B Maynard, and Atif Ahmad published in European Journal of Information Systems. We explore how organisations enable agility in their cybersecurity incident response (IR) process by developing dynamic capabilities using real-time analytics (RTA). Drawing on RTA practices in the IR process at three large financial organisations, we develop a framework to explain […]
Weaponizing Information Systems – Computers & Security
To download the paper, please visit – [LINK]
Cyber Storm International Conference – Australian Defence Force Academy
I will be delivering a plenary talk at the Cyber Storm International Conference on Weaponizing Information Systems for Political Disruption. Click here to see the meeting agenda.
Federal Agencies and Cybersecurity – RT USA, Federal News Radio, Brookings
My recent post on US federal agencies cybersecurity preparedness on the Brookings Institution’s TechTank blog has gotten a lot of attention. Jason Miller hosted me on his show, Ask the CIO, on Federal News Radio. Here is a link to the story and the interview. Yesterday, Kena Fedorschak and I were interviewed by Manila Chan on RT America […]
Mobile App Development in Highly Regulated Industries @ Society for Information Management’s Advanced Practices Council
I am thrilled to be invited back to address the Advanced Practices Council (APC) of the Society for Information Management. The APC commissioned a research report on mobile app development in highly regulated industries. Over the last few months, I have collaborated with Paul Simon (CEO of iHear Network and my former graduate student at the University of […]
Two Papers in the JASIST Virtual Issue on Knowledge Management
It has been a while since I wrote a paper on knowledge management systems, so it was a pleasant surprise hearing that the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology has chosen two of my papers for their virtual issue on knowledge management. The two papers are: Desouza, K. C., Awazu, Y., & […]
Knowledge Management: An Introduction
Just released Desouza, K.C., and Paquette, S. Knowledge Management: An Introduction, New York, NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, Inc., 2011. UK Edition: Knowledge Management: An Introduction, London, United Kingdom: Facet Publishing, 2011.
Speaking at Talent Management Strategies: A Series for Human Resource Executives
I will be leading a workshop on knowledge management, focusing on designing sustainable knowledge management programs for talent management on June 7, 2011. My talk is sponsored by PLS Consulting as part of their Talent Management Strategies Series for HR Executives. The workshop will enable HR practitioners to: Build and lead a knowledge management program […]
Information Systems “Backsourcing”: A Framework for Knowledge Re-integration
Akshay Bhagwatwar (Indiana University), Ray Hackney (Brunel University) and I have authored a paper that appears in the current issue of Information Systems Management. The paper examines the knowledge re-integration challenges that organizations face as they try to take back previously outsourced IT operations. Backsourcing is motivated by opportunities arising from changes in the business situation, […]
Securing Intellectual Assets: Integrating the Knowledge and Innovation Dimensions
At long last, I have received information that my paper on Securing Intellectual Assets: Integrating the Knowledge and Innovation Dimensions will appear in International Journal of Technology Management (Vol. 54, No. 2/3, 2011). Abstract: The concept of intellectual asset security has received widespread attention in recent times. Much of this attention can be attributed to the fact that knowledge […]