Pathways to the Making of Prosperous Smart Cities
New paper published with M. Hunter, B. Jacob, and T. Yigitcanlar in Journal of Urban Technology. Pathways to the Making of Prosperous Smart Cities: An Exploratory Study on the Best Practice In this paper, we examine the understudied issue of the pathways to smart cities. While the extant literature on smart cities offers several insights […]
Big Data and Urban Informatics at UIC
I am in Chicago to attend the NSF sponsored Workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics. I will chair the Crisis and Emergency Informatics track and will present the following paper. ‘Big’ Data + ‘Open’ Data + ‘Mobile’ Data: Urban Informatics I take the view of a city as a platform. As a platform, a city has infrastructure, […]
Smart Cities Financing Guide – Smart Cities Council
In collaboration with my colleagues, David Swindell, Jonathan GS Koppell, and Kendra L. Smith, I authored the Smart Cities Financing Guide for the Smart Cities Council. This guide highlights 28 of the most promising financial tools — including alternatives to the traditional funding mechanisms municipalities have used for decades. It also includes: Detailed analyses of each option based […]
Intelligent City Chapter for Atlas of Cities
My chapter on Intelligent Cities will appear in the Atlas of Cities (Princeton University Press) edited by Paul L. Knox (Virginia Tech). A city, like any organization, thrives or fails depending on its ability to process signals from its environment. Cities have long been subject to shocks because the information systems designed to signal impending events […]