Cognitive Computing, Performance Analytics and Local Gov, & WalletHub Updates
Cognitive Computing @ Brookings Institution Tech Tank “Learning from Public Sector Experimentation with Artificial Intelligence,” (w/Krishnamurthy, R. and Dawson, G.S.) June 23, 2017. “Chatbots Move Public Sector towards Artificial Intelligence,” (w/Krishnamurthy, R.) June 2, 2017. Performance Analytics Project Report “The State of Performance Analytics in Local Government: Analysis of Measures,” (2/ Dawson, G.S., Ho, A. […]
The Sharing Economy and IT Metrics
I recently authored a piece for Governing on how the sharing economy has interesting implications for the future of local governments. Click here for the article. This paper is based on a research study that my team completed on how technology is shaping the future of government. The complete report will be released by the Brookings […]
Universidad de Chile – Centro de Sistemas Públicos
I will be delivering a presentation at the Centro de Sistemas Públicos, Universidad de Chile on October 3, 2014. My talk will be part of the day long event, INNOVACIÓN PÚBLICA: MUCHO RUIDO ¿Y LAS NUECES?, organized by the Industrial Engineering department and CEPAL. My remarks will focus on how should we go about building a capacity for intrapreneurship in […]
USAID – Frontiers in Development
I will be speaking at USAID’s Frontiers in Development Conference. My presentation will take place in a new session sponsored by the U.S. Global Development Lab, the Innovation Marketplace. The event engages a broad audience with a focus on “the idea that science, technology, innovation and partnership can accelerate development impact and end extreme poverty by […]
Technology-Enabled Participatory Platforms for Civic Engagement
Akshay Bhagwatwar (Doctoral Candidate, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University) and I have a paper accepted in Journal of Urban Technology. Technology-Enabled Participatory Platforms for Civic Engagement: The Case of US Cities Technology-enabled participatory platforms are proving to be valuable canvases for engaging citizens in solving public good challenges. Citizens are playing a more active role […]
Big Data and Urban Informatics at UIC
I am in Chicago to attend the NSF sponsored Workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics. I will chair the Crisis and Emergency Informatics track and will present the following paper. ‘Big’ Data + ‘Open’ Data + ‘Mobile’ Data: Urban Informatics I take the view of a city as a platform. As a platform, a city has infrastructure, […]
Designing and Planning for Smart(er) Cities – Practicing Planner
You can find my article on smart cities in the current issue of Practicing Planner. Abstract: Within the past 24 months the concept of smart (and intelligent) cities has been become popular in the media. For instance, Scientific American ran a special issue on smart cities (September 2011). Industry players such as IBM and Siemens have specific […]
Report now Available – Challenge.Gov: Landscape Analysis + Citizen and Agency Perspective
I have just completed the first draft of my report on the platform. This paper has been a few months in the making and builds on my recent work in community intelligence platforms, citizen apps, and innovation in the public sector. To receive a copy of the report, please send me an email. Challenge.Gov: […]
Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds through Participatory Platforms – Planetizen
My article on Leveraging the Wisdom of Crowds through Participatory Platforms was published on Planetizen. The future of design and planning is certain to be around participatory platforms, designers and planners should embrace these platforms and leverage their potential towards designing smart(er) cities through open, inclusive, and collaborative approaches.Planners need to learn how to orchestrate participation […]