Assessing the Relevance of Governmental Characteristics to Address Wicked Problems in Turbulent Times
New paper co-authored with James Denford, Gregory Dawson, and Aroon Manoharan has been published in Public Management Review. Governments have long faced traditional bureaucratic problems and developed a set of mechanisms to handle them, but few studies have examined the government’s underlying characteristics in addressing such problems. Wicked problems – those with unclear definitions, causal […]
How Much is Not Enough: Corporate Social Responsibility and Beyond in the Resources Sector
New paper co-authored with Caroline Veldhuizen, Wasana Bandara, and Artemis Chang has been published in Resources Policy. Highlights CSR practices are comprised of stakeholder engagement and operational activities. A holistic framework based upon extant literature enhances analysis of CSR practices. Pursuit of social licence to operate has impacts at both surface and deeper levels. The […]
Mitigating Urban Heat
New paper co-authored with Matthias Tuczek, Kenan Degirmenci, Richard T. Watson, TanYigitcanlar, and Michael H. Breitner published in Urban Climate. Mitigating urban heat with optimal distribution of vegetation and buildings The impact of climate change on cities poses a growing global threat, which is exacerbated by the urban heat island (UHI) effect. The optimal distribution […]
Transforming public records management – JASIST
Paula Dootson, Mary Tate, and Peter Townson and I have an article in the current issue of Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST). Transforming public records management: Six key insights Records management in the public sector is integral for delivering public good. However, several institutional challenges inhibit the required implementation of innovative […]
Urban Heat Islands – Sustainable Cities and Society
Kenan Degirmenci, Walter Fieuw, Richard T. Watson, Tan Yigitcanlar, and I have an article in Sustainable Cities and Society. Policy and technology responses to increased temperatures in urban heat islands (UHIs) are discussed in a variety of research; however, their interaction is overlooked and understudied. This is an important oversight because policy and technology are […]
Value–Based Guiding Principles for Managing Cognitive Computing Systems in the Public Sector
Cognitive Computing Systems (CCSs) are increasing in prominence in the public sector. This paper develops a framework drawing on public value and information technology service management literature to guide the management of CCSs in the public sector. We draw on academic literature, gray literature, legislation and government reports, and examples on CCS initiatives in the […]
Smart City Report – Australia
We published our report on smart cities in Australia. To download the report, please click [here]. The findings were feature in Brisbane Times. We published an article on the report for The Conversation.
ICMA – Smart City Development Article
I have a new article published in the current issue of PM Magazine co-authored with Michael Hunter and Tan Yigitcanlar.
Knowledge Cities World Summit 2019, Florianópolis, Brazil
Looking forward to my visit to Florianópolis, Brazil. I will deliver a masterclass on governance and innovation in smart cities as part of a Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) grant funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia at the KCWS2019: SUSTENTABILIDADE E INOVAÇÃO NA ERA DO CONHECIMENTO.