Belarus Authorities’ Counter-Revolutionary ICTs Tactics: 2001-2010

Volodymyr Lysenko (University of Washington) and I have a paper accepted in Europe-Asia Studies. Belarus authorities’ counter-revolutionary tactics related to information and communication technologies in 2001-2010: lessons learned Information and communication technology (ICT)-enabled revolutionary tactics play an important role in uprisings against non-democratic regimes worldwide. Up to now, a critical understanding of how authorities in those […]

Charting the co-Evolution of Cyberprotest and Counteraction to appear in Convergence

Volodymyr Lysenko and I have a paper accepted in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Volodymyr is a former PhD student of mine that graduated from the Information School at the University of Washington. This paper draws on work he did while completing his dissertation. The paper is titled, Charting the co-Evolution […]