Transforming public records management – JASIST

Paula Dootson, Mary Tate, and Peter Townson and I have an article in the current issue of Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST).  Transforming public records management: Six key insights Records management in the public sector is integral for delivering public good. However, several institutional challenges inhibit the required implementation of innovative […]

Urban Heat Islands – Sustainable Cities and Society

Kenan Degirmenci, Walter Fieuw, Richard T. Watson, Tan Yigitcanlar, and I have an article in Sustainable Cities and Society. Policy and technology responses to increased temperatures in urban heat islands (UHIs) are discussed in a variety of research; however, their interaction is overlooked and understudied. This is an important oversight because policy and technology are […]

Value–Based Guiding Principles for Managing Cognitive Computing Systems in the Public Sector

Cognitive Computing Systems (CCSs) are increasing in prominence in the public sector. This paper develops a framework drawing on public value and information technology service management literature to guide the management of CCSs in the public sector. We draw on academic literature, gray literature, legislation and government reports, and examples on CCS initiatives in the […]

Demystifying Analytical Information Processing Capability: Cybersecurity Incident Response

New paper published in Decision Support Systems.  Little is known about how organizations leverage business analytics (BA) to develop, process, and exploit analytical information in cybersecurity incident response (CSIR). Drawing on information processing theory (IPT), we conducted a field study using a multiple case study design to answer the following research question: How do organizations exploit […]

Situation Awareness for Incident Response – Computers & Security

New article in Computers and Security. How can organizations develop situation awareness for incident response: A case study of management practice Organized, sophisticated and persistent cyber-threat-actors pose a significant challenge to large, high-value organizations. They are capable of disrupting and destroying cyber infrastructures, denying organizations access to IT services, and stealing sensitive information including intellectual […]

Pathways to the Making of Prosperous Smart Cities

New paper published with M. Hunter, B. Jacob, and T. Yigitcanlar in Journal of Urban Technology. Pathways to the Making of Prosperous Smart Cities: An Exploratory Study on the Best Practice In this paper, we examine the understudied issue of the pathways to smart cities. While the extant literature on smart cities offers several insights […]

Your IQ on Emerging Technologies – PM Magazine

My article in the current issue of PM Magazine outlines key questions to ask when considering digital transformation efforts in the public sector. To read the complete article, please click here.