Cognitive Computing @ Brookings Institution Tech Tank
- “Learning from Public Sector Experimentation with Artificial Intelligence,” (w/Krishnamurthy, R. and Dawson, G.S.) June 23, 2017.
- “Chatbots Move Public Sector towards Artificial Intelligence,” (w/Krishnamurthy, R.) June 2, 2017.
Performance Analytics Project Report
- “The State of Performance Analytics in Local Government: Analysis of Measures,” (2/ Dawson, G.S., Ho, A. T-K., and Krishnamurthy, R.) Technical Report, Alliance for Innovation, April 2017, 32 pages. (see project page)
- Panel proposal accepted for the 2017 Annual Conference of the Assoc. for Budgeting & Financial Management (w/ Ho, A. T-K., Thurmaier, K., de Jong, M., Joyce, P., and Savage, J.)
- Bernardo, R. “2017’s Best & Worst Cities to Drive in,”, July 11, 2017.