It has been a while since I updated my blog. Here is a run down of the main things I have worked on over the last two months.
- Learning from IT contracting mistakes in the public sector (Brookings Institution, TechTank Blog)
- CIO-enabled innovation playbook: Lessons for the public sector (Brookings Institution, TechTank Blog)
- “Model Citizens,” Planning, October, 2015, 26-29
Good news
- Creating a Balanced Portfolio of Information Technology Metrics was the most downloaded report published by the IBM Center for the Business of Government for 2015.
- I presented at the Flinn-Brown Leadership Academy – Arizona Center for Civic Leadership on Leadership in a Networked World
- I joined the ICMA’s Performance Management Advisory Committee for a two-year term beginning on Jan 1, 2016.
Selected Interviews/Press Mentions
- Newcombe, T. “Learning to Share: How Cities Are Benefiting from the Sharing Economy,” Government Technology, December 14, 2015,
- Moore, J. “The 15 Most Innovative Agencies in Government,” NextGov, December 8, 2015,
- Keegan, M. “A Conversation with Dr. Kevin Desouza,” IBM Business of Government Radio Show, December 7, 2015
- Dovey, R. “Will City Regulators Treat Driverless Cars Like They’ve Treated Uber?” Next City, October 28, 2015
- Koma, A. “Hawaii Moves Ahead with Audit of State IT Spending,”, October 21, 2015
It has been a busy and productive 2015. Best wishes to you and your families for a peaceful and prosperous 2016.