I am heading to Portugal for the Conference on Economic Resilience. I co-organized this event along with two colleagues, Isabel Ramos (University of Minho) and James R. Martin, II (Clemson University). The conference will be held at Largo do Paço – Rectorate. Attendees at the event include:
- Norio Okada, Director of Disaster Recovery Governance Research Institute, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
- Alejandro Pinto-Gonzalez, DG CONNECT Policy Office, European Commission, Belgium
- Helena Molin Valdes, Deputy Director UN-ISDR, Switzerland
- Francis Ghesquiere, Manager for the World Bank’s Disaster Risk Management Practice Group and Head of GFDRR Secretariat
- António Cunha, Rector of the University of Minho, Portugal
- Alvaro Santos Pereira, Minister of Economy and Employment of Portugal