I am about to leave Johannesburg, South Africa for Frankfurt, Germany. Several people have emailed me during my stay in South Africa curious about my experiences here. I promised many of you that I would write a reflection on my stay here. So, here it is…

I have had the privilege of living in this wonderful country for about 2 months. To put things in perspective, even though my travels have taken me to over 25 countries, I have only stayed in 2 other countries (Qatar and the USA) for 2 months consecutively. So, South Africa has been home away from home. About 90% of my time was spent in, and around, Johannesburg. Of the remaining time, about 8%, was spent in Cape Town and 2% in places such as Pilanesberg (the Game Reserve), Pretoria, etc. While in Johannesburg, I stayed in the Melville area, and was a visiting professor at the Department of Information Systems, School of Economic and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand.

Here is a bullet-point summary of highlights and recommendations:

Best things to do in Johannesburg

Best things to do in Cape Town

What did I learn from South Africa

I can go on and on, but will stop here…If you have more questions, feel free to send me a private email or post public comments….

In summary, I have had a great time here. I will surely be back.

Thanks to everyone who made me feel at home…Cheers!!!

7 Responses

  1. Wonderful post. I’m the US country manager for the International Marketing Council of SA. I’m putting together a group of bloggers to take to SA the week after Thanksgiving to blog about SA innovation. Do you know any bloggers, yourself included, who might be interesterd. You can reach me via http://www.brandsouthafricablog.com, where I just linked to this post.


    Simon Barber

  2. Thanx, Kevin, for sharing these experiences with us. Sounds like a great country to visit and I am glad to see that there are still places that can make you feel at home…

  3. Very grateful for the review. I have wanted to visit for a while, but was too worried (nervous). I must buy my ticket now. Thanks a million

  4. Wonderful post! I would love to visit South Africa sometime soon. Glad you had an enjoyable and educational experience.

  5. Thanks for the excellent review, Kev. You do a lot to correct misconceptions about SA and make me want to go!

  6. Thanks for the positive input about our wonderful country. I wish more South Africans would read this and realize what a wonderful country we have.

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