Press Release from the Institute for National Security Education and Research at the University of Washington (
The UW Institute for National Security Education and Research (INSER) is pleased to announce that, effective February 14, 2008, Dr. Jeffrey Y. Kim, faculty in the Information School, is the new Director of INSER. Jeff Kim has been an instrumental part of INSER since its inception. He was previously Deputy Director of INSER and worked directly under the guidance of Kevin Desouza, the founding director of INSER. During his tenure as Director, Dr. Kevin C. Desouza laid a solid foundation for INSER. Some highlights of his tenure include:
- Establishing the INSER program through a multi-year grant from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. In the first two years of the program, INSER received over $1.1 million dollars of total funding.
- Establishing and leading an inter-disciplinary group of strategic partners across the UW to partake in INSER programs. INSER partners represent a wide assortment of disciplines including Political Science, International Studies, Engineering, Public Affairs, Physics, Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, Asian Languages and Literature, and Architecture and Urban Planning.
- Securing INSER’s first inter-disciplinary collaborative research grant through the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (OASD-NII) through its Command & Control Research Program and the Center for Edge Power at the Naval Postgraduate School.
- Delivering several keynote lectures across the country and the globe on matters related to national security, intelligence programs, and sustainable innovation. Most recently, he was invited to give a keynote address at the Intelligence Colloquium hosted by the Tennessee State University’s Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence. Other talks included a presentation at the 2007 Bled Strategic Conference on the invitation of H. E. Dr. Rupel, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
Kevin Desouza will continue in his role as a faculty member at the Information School and as Director of the Institute for Innovation in Information Management at the University of Washington.