New Frontiers of Knowledge Management. I recently edited a collection of papers on Knowledge Management. The publisher’s blurb: This book defines the new frontiers in knowledge management. It contains thinking by respected authorities in the field of knowledge management, information systems, and strategic management. The chapters range in their orientation from those that are more humanistic in their treatment, and those that take an economic perspective. All contribute towards deepening our understanding of what the new problems associated with achieving the goals of knowledge management are, and present possible solutions to the problems. Topics covered include: knowledge visualization, knowledge markets, ubiquitous information environments, knowledge flow dynamics, knowledge integration in teams, personalizing delivery systems and knowledge security mechanism. Please see – for more information. for more information. Contributors include: Larry Prusak, Ronald Kostoff, Roberto Evaristo, Ann Majchrzak, Carsten Sorensen, David Skyrme, Mark Nissen, and many more.

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